Tea Tree Oil - Gujarat - Ahmedabad ID1556353

Offering about 1 week ago - Ayurveda - Herbal Products - Ahmedabad


  • Tea Tree Oil - Gujarat - Ahmedabad ID1556353

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular essential oils with numerous benefits. The science of Ayurveda provides evidence about this oil since ancient times. Tea tree oil holds great importance in balancing all Ayurvedic tridoshas – Vata, pitta, and Kapha doshas. Tea tree oil is also known as melaleuca oil is derived from the Australian plant through steam distillation. It is a pale yellow-green or water-white mobile liquid with a warm, fresh, spicy-camphoraceous odor.

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Price 1 I am Offering Category is Health and Lifestyle Type is Ayurveda - Herbal Products Ad placed in Ahmedabad Phone no: 09638912340 Address: Shed No. 126 Opp Bhas SS Cha Vasana Email Address Visit Website